Water Heater Efficiency and Safety: a Few Quick Tips

safety first

Water Heater Efficiency and Safety: a Few Quick Tips

What’s the right temperature?

For energy savings and ensuring the safety of small children, many consumer organizations recommend setting your water heater thermostat to 120 degrees.  However, it’s also important to know that water temperatures below 120°F can enable unhealthy bacteria to grow inside your water heater. So, consider both when determining an appropriate temperature for your home and family.

Is it time to call a professional?

What about water heater insulation?

Some homeowners insulate their water heaters, especially if they are located in the garage. Insulation kits explicitly designed for this purpose are available; however, it’s important not to cover up key safety features of your water heater like the pressure relief valve, control panel, or drain. If you have a gas-fired unit, it’s very important to keep the pilot light, air intake, and draft diverter free and clear.

Is your water heater secured and stable?

Did you know that a 50-gallon capacity water heater can hold approximately 400 pounds of water? That’s why your water heater must be safely secured in place. If you live in an earthquake zone, water heater strap kits are available and, in some areas, even required. 

Need to have your water heater checked for safety? Give us a call; we’re ready to help.