How Did It Happen? The Dreaded Slow Drain

clogged drain deposit slow

How Did It Happen? The Dreaded Slow Drain

You dread filling the sink basin because you know when you release the stopper, it’s going to take a long time to drain. And that reminds you that you’ve got an untreated clog.

It may start slow, so you barely notice it, but inside the accumulation of dirt, soap residue, and hair, all can contribute to that slow drain. And it won’t get better on its own.

So what causes those slow drains?

Slow Bathroom Drains

The sink, shower, and tub are most commonly clogged with hair, soap residual, and dirt that can accumulate inside the pipes. The hair that goes down into the pipes and sticks to the sides begins to catch other debris like soap, dirt, and minerals and extends further into the diameter of the drain pipe, slowing the flow of water.

If left untreated, it doesn’t take long for the buildup to significantly impede the full flow of water, resulting in painfully slow or incomplete draining within the pipes. The result can also lead to unwanted smells from the sitting water and grime.

Slow Kitchen Drain

The culprit here tends to be stubborn food particles and grease that gets trapped along the sides of the drainpipe, in the drain basket, or P-trap. Monitoring what goes into the sink and garbage disposal is your first line of defense. Regularly flushing the sink and using the baking soda vinegar treatment can help prevent a grease buildup.

Venting Issues

Vent stacks are those pipes that extend through the roof, allowing air into the drain line to reduce the vacuum that could restrict the flow of water. If the vent stacks that extend up to the roof get clogged with leaves, bird nests or other debris, it can restrict their intake of air and functionality resulting in slow drains. It can also cause the buildup of gasses, which can result in smells that just won’t clear.

Sewer Line Blockages

These are the lines that carry sewage and wastewater out of your home. Potential obstructions include tree roots and sludge buildup. The symptoms would be a slow toilet flush or frequent clogging.

Local Clogs in Sink and Tubs

For local clogs in bathroom sinks and tub or shower drains, a plumber has the right tools to both diagnose and clear your clogs. He can also recommend regular maintenance to help you keep them clear.

Sewer Line Clogs

For more significant issues like sewer lines, diagnosis is the first step. With new technology, small cameras are sent down into the pipes, so a plumber can see what’s blocking the drain or vent. This means a more accurate diagnosis of the problem and the right solution. Whether it’s tree roots invading a pipe or debris inside a venting system, being able to see deep inside your pipes is a considerable advantage for clearing them in the safest manner.

Hydro-Jetting to Clear Pipes

Hydro-Jetting is a modern method of clearing stubborn clogs in pipes. High-pressure water is moved through the pipes to clear them, unblocking the pipe and sending the debris down into the sewer.

Have signs of a slow or clogged drain? Call the experts at Agentis. We’re ready to help.