Water Heater Temperature: How to Measure and Where to Set It?

pressure gauge

Water Heater Temperature: How to Measure and Where to Set It?

It’s easy to check the temperature of your hot water. Follow these four steps.

Why does it take so long for my shower to get hot water?

  1.  Select the fixture you want to test (kitchen sink, bathroom, shower, etc.)
  2.  Turn on only the hot water and let it run for three minutes (this will clear out any cool water that was in the pipes)
  3.  Fill a container with the hot water
  4.  Use an instant-read thermometer to measure the temperature

What is the right water temperature? 

It is recommended that the temperature of your hot water not exceed 120 degrees Fahrenheit.

For reference, here’s a chart of temperatures and time it takes to create a 3rd-degree burn:

If you need help checking and adjusting your hot water temperature, give the experts at Agentis a call – we’re ready to help.